Sunday, September 11, 2011


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In my report, "10 REAL AdSense Secrets," you’ll discover...

3 steps to transform your AdSense business into a fast-action assembly line that cranks out profitable websites one after another on autopilot.

The stupidly simple “old school” tactic that gave my click-through rate an 11% boost. WARNING: This is a highly aggressive technique that more conservative AdSense publishers may not want to implement.

Why you could be losing money every time someone clicks on your AdSense ad

The real secret to getting an edge in the SEO game (and no it isn’t linking)…

The one AdSense“enhancement” that you should avoid like the plague. (Chances are you’re using this feature and you don’t even know it.)

How to earn cash with "navigation links."

How to cash-in from niche markets even if you SUCK at "niche detective work." i.e. Finding which niches will bring a profit.

The first (and most powerful) piece of advice I give to anyone who tells me they're not making enough money with AdSense (because they're usually guilty of the #1 most common AdSense mistake. Are you?)

Up-to-date tactics that are pulling in clicks and profits like crazy right this second. (Forget the so-called, "Hot Trends" that used to work, but have lost their effectiveness.)

How to get huge keyword lists generated for you dirt cheap (just like I do, I pay $8 per thousand keywords!)

Little-known keyword tactics that will bring you WAY more traffic than your buddies are getting.

A genius keyword service that's too valuable too even mention, but I may (big emphasis on may) be able to get you in.

My highly-aggressive content technique that allows me to regularly hit Click-Through-Rates as high as 70%-80%!

2 tricks for getting listed in search engines without "muddying" your AdSense pages with distracting content.

The truth about "cloaking" and Google. (If you've been mislead in the past, you've been missing out on tons of profits.)

How to force popular software programs like Directory Generator, Traffic Equalizer, and Metawebs to create pages that generate stampedes of AdSense clicks. There's just one small but clever tweak you need to make.

6 words that ethically persuade visitors to click your AdSense ads (without outright telling them to, which is against Google's policies).

A popular HTML tag (you probably use all the time) that will "highlight" your AdSense ads and make your click-through-rates soar.

Clever headlines that practically force visitors to click without actually saying so (very aggressive, very profitable).

And much, much more...